I am Haruhisa Enomoto (榎本 悠久 in Japanese), a postdoc at Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. an R&D Engineer at Acompany Co., Ltd. (privacy-tech startup) in Japan.

  • My personal e-mail: dakenga [at] gmail.com, math-related e-mail are welcome!

IMPORTANT: I will leave math academia in March 2024 and join a company in April 2024. See here (Japanese) for more details if you are interested in why I decided to leave academia.

This site will available after March 2024, but I haven’t decided whether I will update this site or not, and its contents.

The e-mail address below will not be available after March 2024.

FD Applet - an applet for Finite-Dimentional algebras has been released!

Online version: https://fd-applet.dt.r.appspot.com/

Since April 2022, My e-mail address and affiliation has changed since the name of my university has changed.

New E-mail: henomoto [at] omu.ac.jp

(Old1: the35883 [at] osakafu-u.ac.jp, I cannot use this address!!!!)

(Old2 : m16009t [at] math.nagoya-u.ac.jp, I can still use and check this Nagoya e-mail address)

For more details, see CV.

Research Areas

  • Representation theory of algebras (artin algebras, noetherian algebras)
  • Homological algebra

Research Interests

  • Auslander-Reiten theory (via functor categories)
  • Quillen’s exact categories, extriangulated categories
  • Subcategories of module categories (classifications, their properties as exact categories, and combinatorics of the poset of subcategories)
  • $\tau$-tilting theory
  • Combinatorial & computational aspects


JSPS Research Fellow (PD) at Osaka Metropolitan University. My host researcher is Yuya Mizuno.

Update History