IE-closed subcategories of commutative rings are torsion-free classes
I proved the title
You can also find my papers (preprints) on my arXiv page.
I proved the title
Study maximal self-orthogonal modules, a new generalization of tilting modules = projectively Wakamatsu tilting modules, and Wakamatsu tilting modules
Study the Grothendieck monoid of an extriangulated category.
Study subcategories of a module category closed under images and extensions.
Compute the posets of wide subcats and ICE-closed subcats from the lattice of torsion classes
Unify bijections of the form “Interval poset of torsion pairs is isomorphic to the poset of torsion pairs in another subcategory” in the framework of extriangulated categories.
Established a bijection between Image-Cokernel-Extension-closed (ICE-closed) subcats in mod kQ and rigid kQ-modules
I consider when an exact category satisfies the Jordan-Hölder property, (JHP).
Motivated by the study of simple objects of exact categories, I proposed the notion of monobricks, which enables us to study wide subcategories and torsion-free classes simultaneously.
I proved the title.
Study Image-Cokernel-Extension closed subcategories of module categories using the poset of torsion classes and τ-tilting theory.
Classified a possible extriangulated substructures on a given extriangulated category using functor category
For torsion-free classes over preprojective algebras and path algebras of Dynkin type, I classify simple objects using the root system.
Rep-fin v.s. “AR seq generate relations for K_0” in exact categories.
I classify possible exact structures on a given additive category by using functor category, and give applications to CM-finite Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras.
Study the Morita type theorem for exact categories. The Ext-perpendicular category of cotilting modules are precisely exact category with progen & inj cogen & higher kernels.
H. Enomoto, The Jordan-Hölder property, Grothendieck monoids and Bruhat inversions, Ring Theory 2019, Proceedings of the Eighth China–Japan–Korea International Symposium on Ring Theory (2021), 103–-112.
This is a survey article of this JHP paper. Link: journal